Album Close to the Metal Artist Nebyoolae Track Number 7 Release Date July 10, 2017 Your browser does not support the audio element. /files/audio/28_close_to_the_metal/07%20The%20Giant%20Destroyer%20that%20Dominates%20the%20Skies.mp3 2:53 140 bpm Description Metal Fighter NSF1 Genres Instrumental Pop, Lounge Tags video-game, remix Instruments 🎺 brasssaxophonesampled 🎸 guitarsbasselectricsampledni kontakt 🎹 keyspianoacousticsampledlogic 🥁 percussiondrumkitsampledni abbey road 60s drummer 🥁 percussiondrumkitsampledstudio drummer 🌬️ woodwindflutesampled 🌬️ woodwindoboesampled 🎶 misc🔔 sound fx🍃 foley 🎻 stringsdoublebasssampled 🎻 stringsviolinsampled 💻 synthsalchemy Close to the Metal 37'51"