Album Close to the Metal Artist Nebyoolae Track Number 11 Release Date July 10, 2017 Your browser does not support the audio element. /files/audio/28_close_to_the_metal/11%20Leave%20a%20Muffin%20for%20the%20Chihuahua.mp3 2:29 130 bpm 4/4 Dmaj Description Metal Max NSF19 Genres Tags video-game, remix Instruments 🎺 brasssaxophonesampledsforzando weresax 🥁 percussiondrumkitsampledlogic drummer 🥁 percussiondrumkitsampledni battery 🎸 guitarsguitaracousticsampledsforzando shinyguitar 🎸 guitarsguitarelectricsampledni scarbee funk guitarist 💻 synthslogic Close to the Metal 37'51"